Peggy K. Attwood
July 10, 2013
So often, a memory returns and when it does, I have the opportunity to compare the memory to my relationship with Christ. This morning while sharing breakfast with my husband, Bill and our begging dog, Rooney, I remembered a phrase my daughter Allison created as a child of two.
I was lecturing her on doing what she was supposed to do and saying something similar to, 'You will NOT do this." As I began to walk away, I heard her mutter, O-S-M-R! Then she returned, and shook her tiny finger at me and repeated, O-S-M-R....O-S-M-R!! I walked away from the "discussion" while wondering and repeating, O-S-M-R??? O-S-M-R!!! And then it hit me, the translation was "Oh yes, I am!"
The memory gave me a clear comparison to our relationship with Christ. We love Christ as Allie loves me, but in our relationship with Christ we often dig our heels in to what we want for ourselves and ignoring Christ's clear messages to us, "You will not do this! It is not good for you!" And in our immature relationship with Christ we see our own idea of what is good for us and fight to have our way and for Him to accept it. In our own way, we see our choices and we choose that which is no good for us. We even hear his warning in our own minds, "Don't do this!" and our response is often a defiant "O-S-M-R! Oh! Yes, I am!". In those cases, Christ lets us have our own free will and knows we will face the consequences.
The next time my inner voice tells me not to try to take the short cut to the glass doors with a butcher knife, watermelon and paper plates, I will listen. I would not have this black eye or "goose egg" on my forehead this morning, if I had listened to the still small voice that whispered, "You can not go that way with your hands full." My response? "O-S-M-R. Oh! Yes I am!"
And now and for a week or two, when I look in the mirror, I will hear little Allison saying, "O-S-M-R! Oh! Yes, I am!"
My dad often said to me, "Okay little knot head, you're going to learn the hard way. Now, I get it!" God could do so much more with our lives, if only we would stop being knot heads and responding with, "O-S-M-R! Oh yes I am!"
Daniel 4:36-37
36 At the same time that my sanity was restored, my honor and splendor were returned to me for the glory of my kingdom. My advisers and nobles sought me out, and I was restored to my throne and became even greater than before. 37 Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble.
Dear Heavenly Father,
I praise your Holy name and thank you with all my heart for your faithfulness to me. You have forgiven and forgiven and waited and waited as I remained blind to your glory and deaf to your Word. Now my eyes are open and I am filled with joy and peace and comfort. To God be all Glory!
In Jesus' Name,
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