Monday, August 19, 2013

Jesus Take The Wheel

Jesus Take the Wheel
Peggy Mack
August 19, 2013

I watched the season premiere of Duck Dynasty 2013 with 12 million other viewers.  This show is a testimony to the strength of a Christian, believing, faith-filled family. I doubt that was ever the intention of the show developers, but it is what it has become.  The line I remember from this episode was part of Phil's prayer, "Lord, thank you for our four sons who live and raise their families as Christians."

This morning I was thinking about his statement and it lead me to a place of gratitude.  My mother and dad raised my sister and I as "two daughters living Christian lives."   My sister has been far more committed to serving and attending church services and activities throughout the year.

I, on the other hand, describe my Christian life as a "Jesus Take the Wheel" kind of Christian.  Throughout my life I have never failed to fall to my knees in prayer in times of adversity.  I am willingly hopping over to the passenger seat and begging Jesus to drive me to safety.    And yes, there have been times or spurts of religious commitment, attendance in church and service.  My favorite way to serve in the church was to be part of the Bible School program. It was my niche.  As daddy would say, "It was right up my alley!"  I also taught Sunday school for a few years and even served on the church council.  I ushered one Sunday but was promptly removed from that volunteer list when I accidentally reached for the offering plate and grabbed a gentleman's finger along with it and began walking away much to his discomfort and my embarrassment.  So, with that one Sunday I was "fired".  It was obviously not my calling.

If I evaluated myself I would say my history reveals I am more of a mood swing Christian.  When I faced disappointments, exhaustion or trials and felt God gave me no answers I simply walked away.  I guess I was one of my generations "immediate reward" kind of people.  We were growing used to the convenience of drive through service for everything from hamburgers, coffee and frozen yogurt to our dry cleaning.  I wanted answers to my prayers immediately.  I compare myself to a three year old crossing her arms and stomping her feet when she cannot have her way.  That was me.....moody and childish in my faith.  I could not see it then, but I see it now.   I remind myself of that commercial for "HBO on demand!"  

I can tell you I was born and raised and lived a Christian life.  But I am, at best, the weakest of examples.  My plan for my life of faith was to holler for Jesus when a torrential storm came and expect Him to carry me to a place of calm, safety.  I was part of the believers who ebb and flow like the tides.  

I have made a commitment in recent weeks to move from my childlike faith to one of a mature Christian which involves, consistency, daily prayer time with God, commitment to worship and serve and patience in knowing God moves in His own way and His own time but is always with us.  As a mature Christian, we are asked to move from meeting our own frantic needs in time of trial or adversity to seeing the needs of others and serving them.

I will face more adversity in life and there will be times when I truly will ask Jesus to take the wheel.  But in the meantime, It is my prayer that I begin to live each day as a walk with Christ and will see the needs of others and respond to them with kindness and love.

Dear Heavenly Father,
It takes some of us a lifetime to slow down and breathe in faith.  I ask your loving guidance with each new morning as I work toward being a mature Christian.  I ask for your loving comfort and peace at the end of each day.
In Jesus Name, I pray, 

1 comment:

  1. This is beeeautiful, Ms. GLORY! I would never known you were a lukewarm Christian, as ever since I have known you you have been so encouraging and uplifting to me! This is wonderful that you will be now doing more for the Lord... I have truly seen a DIFFERENCE in my life since I am walking closer! God bless YOU, my friend! Hugs, <3 ~me
